Reckless Love
  • Elizabeth Lowell
  • Published By: Amazon Digital
  • First published 1990 Harlequin Historical #038, MacKenzie-Blackthorn #1
  • ISBN-13: 978-1551665252

Reckless Love

An Elizabeth Lowell classic. Now in eBook.

In the wild land of Utah Territory after the end of the Civil War, Janna Wayland lived with no company but the mustangs and the books in the single trunk that held all she owned. Called Shadow of Fire by the Indians, she was alone, but not lonely.

Tyrell MacKenzie was the son of wealth that had been destroyed by the Civil War. Now he combed the part of the Utah Territory controlled by the renegade Cascabel, looking for a wild stallion known as Lucifer. With Lucifer, Ty would be able to breed fine horses and build a future fit for the silken lady of his dreams.

Then Janna helped a bruised and bloody Ty escape from Cascabel. She was far from his dream of a silken lady, yet she set fire to him as no woman ever had. Janna knew she wasn’t the woman of Ty’s dreams, but she could not help the reckless love that grew in her. She also knew the time would come when he would leave her to pursue his dreams.

But still she hoped…

Originally published January 1990 in Harlequin Historical #38.

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